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Saturday, 7 April 2012

Where Are The Easter Goodies?

The best Easter goodies by far are at:

4216 Main Street
Vancouver, BC

I arrived as the best hot cross buns in town were coming out of the oven. "Do they freeze well?" I asked. "They should, they are bread after all", the answer from the elegant owner. So 18 to go I ordered and enjoyed a nice hot one with my neighbour who agreed that those are, by far, the best hot cross buns in town.

You may also want to try these. Created this morning by Trafiq's inventive executive chef, these croissants are filled with 72% dark chocolate - think chocolate bar croissant sandwich. Hurry up, they may not last till Monday.
Now if your heart is dead set on pure chocolate, then the place to visit is:

Mink Chocolates
863 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC

Those are pure dark chocolate eggs that are filled with 9 smaller chocolate eggs. They are not cheap, but the quality of Mink's chocolates is unparralleled in the city.

They also have chocolate bunnies (which are not cheap either).

But adorable (and affordable) German chocolates bunnies are all over the place at:

European Specialty Importers
220 Prior Street
Vancouver, BC
In addition to rabbits, they have mini chocolate eggs, Easter napkins, even freshly baked German Easter Egg bread directly from Gesunheit Bakery in Abbotsford (311-30721 Simpson Road, Abbortford, BC -
Happy Easter my dear readers and followers. Jesus has risen.

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