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Sunday, 3 July 2011

Canada Day BBQ in Red & White

An end of Canada Day BBQ weekend with food in red and white to make up for the lack of red and white in the guests' attires.

A flag angle cake designed manually with strawberries and cream was the adorable highlight of the evening.

The rage of the summer at somerville kitchen, halloom sails, were dressed up with tomatoes for the occasion. 

Babushka Kitty Sez's call yesterday for more borscht was repeated by a guest's charming cat star acting as Babushka... (see end of yesterday's post - know it all borscht).

And the full pot of borscht was emptied into the guests' tummies, dressed up with sour cream.

A fancy sausage bar with red (hot red Italian sausages) and white (chicken and cilantro sausages) grilled to perfection...

...and served with fancy buns and the fancy bar's condiments featuring Stilton cheese, pickles, bacon bits, jardin lettuce, german mustard, harissa sauce, chilli sauce, ketchup, and cwikla (beets with horseradish).

We cleansed our palates with a fresh beets and Stilton cheese salad dressed with fresh jardin mint and olive oil.

And when the flag cake was fully consumed, another one in the shape of the aromatic Colac Secuiese Romanian tube dessert was served with fresh local strawberries.


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