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Monday, 1 August 2011

somerville kitchen Exclusive - Pickled Thyme

I planted thyme from seeds, seed by seed, in ancient house drain tiles that were reused as jardin border. 

And the thyme went wild; there is no way all this thyme would be put to use as added fresh herbs to meals.

Then someone recommended pickled thyme. Yes!
Thyme was harvested and sorted through. A pile of stems that are not yet flowering and remain nice and soft for pickling were washed and put aside. 

Now what to do with the stems that aren't pickle worthy? A shame to compost. A brilliant advice came my way, wrap them up  as decorative aroma bouquets. And they looked great!
I assumed that thyme would be pickled like any other Lebanese pickles I make (cucumbers, turnips). But Lebanese turnip pickles are made with lemon juice while cucumbers with vinegar, a dilemma as to what to use with thyme.

Another international call to mom solved the mystery with the added benefit of a hint to add a bit of olive oil on top once pickled. And somerville kitchen exclusive pickled thyme was born. 
Results of a taste test with Halloom Sails were off the charts, so they are now ready to market.

You can order this specialty item for $10 (30% off for official somerville kitchen blog members) via Or keep an eye on upcoming contests for a chance to win some. Plus there is always barter...

somerville kitchen new labels designed by Toronto design group marky da fixh.


Masi said...

The labels are really adorable!!!! How did u find the design group? Is it the same Design Master Mark I think it is??

somerville kitchen said...

Yes Masi, that is the same one...:)