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Sunday 27 March 2011

Safinet Nooh (a.k.a. Noah's Ark)

Now that the camp is upgraded, it was time to attempt making a stew. I found a plastic container in the freezer with what looked like frozen stew broth. It was so frozen that while you can see the logo of the container marked in the ice, you could not decipher what it really was.

The frozen chunk went into a pot that fit well on my new portable cooking range

I thought with the sauce ready, all I had to do was add some leftover cooked lamb and vegetables and a stew will be ready.

Challenge #1: Pot was too small to fit everything, so, just like Noah, I chose one piece of each of the different vegetables that I had on hand. Unused vegetables had to be left to fend for themselves.

Challenge #2: Little did I know that the frozen sauce already had cooked chicken in it. Well, it fit nicely with the Noah's Ark theme - one of each animal type (lamb & chicken) was included.

Named appropriately as Safinet Nooh (Arabic for Noah's Ark), the stew was heavy and ensured our species (as represented by moi) continued on.

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