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Saturday 19 May 2012

The Lettuce Experiment

Jardin is the lab; lettuce is the test species. Let the experiments begin.

Experiment 1: Planting Lettuce Seeds in the Fall

Null Hypothesis: Lettuce will not survive the winter.

Alternative Hypothesis: Lettuce will survive the winter.

Test Period: 8 months.

Null hypothesis rejected!

This is the same lettuce plant today.

Experiment 2: Planting Those "Live" Lettuces You Buy in Supermarkets

Null Hypothesis: They will wither and die.

Alternative Hypothesis: They have roots, they are alive, they should survive.

Two test subjects were used.

Subject 1 was stripped of all the edible leaves and put in the ground.

Subject 2 was put in the ground as is.

Test period: Two months.

Null hypothesis rejected.

Both grew and survived. One even went to seed. The leaves were more edible and fresher tasting than if eaten from the package two months earlier. 

Experiment 3: Planting Lettuce Seedling Bought This Spring.

Null Hypothesis: They will grow.

Alternate Hypothesis: Our spring this year is too cold for them to grow.

Test Period: 4 weeks

Null hypothesis accepted.

And they made a delicious salad.

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