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Friday 15 June 2012

Let The Sun Shine In

The one and only sunny day in weeks (and for weeks to come) was upon us.

So a bunch of us got together, brought out this and that, poured some wine and beer and lit a BBQ.

And what a fun evening this was.

A debate arose about how to BBQ corn. Should you leave the leaves on? Wet it before putting it on the fire? Or my way which is just put it on the grill.

The evening's meat of choice was chicken legs. But which BBQ sauce to use was the other debate.

A compromise creation of President's Choice meat BBQ sauce mixed with Ketchup and hot sauce.

The chicken pieces marinated in this creation for a couple of hours before meeting their hell on the grill.

Excellent choice of sauce combined with excellent BBQing skills made for a perfect BBQ chicken.

Two salads were added to the mix. The first was jardin greens of mint, oregano and lettuce with olive oil and lemon juice.

And a German style potato salad with eggs, green peppers and jardin chives.

By the time dessert was served, the boys were having way too much fun fighting to show off their hands.

A fun fun night, too bad the rain shoved us inside after sunset. Till next sunny day. (When is that I wonder?)

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