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Saturday 16 June 2012

Live from PJ Party

This is how I look right now as I write while having a wonderful PJ party with a lady, a chef and an empress.

In fact, this has been going on since 10:30 am (it is after 5:02 pm right now) and all we did all day is eat, drink, yack, rest, read, crochet, cook, play with cats, blog, make some fire, and hang out in our pyjamas (did you know that the word originates from Persia and, we realized, that it is the same word in the five languages spoken at the party).

So what goes on at a pyjama party?

It was a perfect day for such a party.

Pouring rain outside, no one wants to be elsewhere; a perfect day to light a big fire and hang out feeding it all day.

We also spent the day (and continue to do so as I write) feeding ourselves - chaat, bean dip, kebbeh patties, chips, cookies, everything to keep us from not moving away from the fire.

When the fire gets too hot, we chill out with Rosa di Sera Vino Spumante Extra Dry.

A fantastic way to spend the day. The more fun is going back and forth between savoury and sweet. 

Sweet was mainly in the form of lemon cream tarts - whipped cream mixed with lemon custard, topped with raspberry and chocolate drizzle.

Blogging live means I am eating one of those right now as I type.

Cats, who has his own pyjama party every day, spent this one enjoying the company of all and the heat of the fire.

Now should PJ parties take place at somerville kitchen every weekend, once a month, one a season or once a year?

Complete the poll on top of the blog (right hand side). I will be happy to organize your next PJ party or invite you to mine (if you ask nicely).

I have to sign off now, another glass of champagne is being poured...


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