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Thursday, 20 February 2014

A Catsess Day - Evenings

Dear Readers. Catsess took over Wacky Thursdays for the next month to tell us about her day. Wacky Thursdays will resume in March.

"Now I have eaten all day (Read A Catsess Day - Mornings), napped all afternoon and taken my vitamins (Read A Catsess Day - Afternoons), I can face socializing with the humans in the evenings."

"What do you mean you are tired and need to put your feet up? What about me?"

"You think I am going to hide like a crazy feral when your friends visit?  Those days are over, I am keeping an eye on those humans you call friends."

"And if you are going to feed them, there better be some tasty snacks for me or you guys are eating on the floor."

"Fine, kick me off the table. I will be putting catsess spells on you from afar."

"See? You are all under my spell now. You even brought a chair specially for me to join you for tea and desserts. Now I am a happy catsess."

"But nothing makes me happiest than ending the evening in my human's lap..."

"...dreaming up mischief for the night (more on this next Thursday)".

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