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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Transition of somerville kitchen

So this is what I come home to! All that is left  of somerville kitchen is a stove, sink and a disconnected dishwasher. 

But with the fridge resting nicely in the living room, a quick search in the freezer found a leftover piece of the Spinach Stuffed Meat Loaf (see World Diabetes Day). A trip to the cellar brought out some potatoes, carrots and turnips. 

And that is when the decision was taken - Nothing is going to stop me from continuing to make (almost) daily home made dinners in somerville kitchen.

First, I set up the infamous toaster oven on the counter, threw the meat loaf in it, and let it heat up slowly. 

My thoughts at that moment...

"I wonder how long do I have to live like this. So and so spent one and a half year renovating their kitchen. Blogs on kitchen renovations reference 10 years for some highly detailed projects. Oh, what shall I cook? Where would the material for the blog come from?"
I then stopped thinking and peeled the potatoes, carrots and turnips and got the accompaniments to the meat cooking.

The plan was to make mashed potatoes (with no butter given lent - see somervillekitchen lent) and carrots/turnips mash (with lemon juice).

Within less than an hour, a fancy dinner was served. Now could I still do this tomorrow when the stove gets booted out of the kitchen? Keep following...

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