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Saturday, 24 August 2013

Jardin Party

Catsess welcomed Empress; ignored Blogger and recognized the cat lover in Cake Lady as all gathered in jardin for a leisure jardin party.

Watermelon juice kicked off the fun close to 11:30 a.m., with the wine bottle cracked after the mid-day cannon.

Summer food spread on the table, and 3 hours or eating, chatting and relaxing made this Saturday a memorable one.

somerville kitchen offered a jardin stuffed grape vine leaves, jardin kale frittata and non-jardin humus since no jardin party can happen without humus.

Cake lady dazzled our taste buds with freshly made vegetarian chili rellenos, with authentic poblano chilies.

Huge as they are, they were consumed with a beautiful fresh European Empress style bread.

The Empress  teased our taste buds with a dessert transition offering.

Sour cherries soaked in a secret sauce, eaten at room temperature and one of the best ways I have ever been served sour cherries.

Alas, the most exoticness a Blogger can offer are date cookies imported from Oman and grapes rescued from racoons off the jardin vine.

But wait, a home made honey wine could count as exotic?

Think not, says bored catsess.


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