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Saturday 15 March 2014

My First Official Recipe

Tonight I created a big mess in the kitchen.

But I also created my first dish with no help from any cookbook. I am calling it jardin tortellini. 

It came out too good not to share. Try it and let me know what you think. Here's the recipe.

Dice one zucchini. Heat up a Tbsp of butter and saute the zucchini until it starts to turn light brown; about 5 minutes.

Dice two tomatoes and add to the zucchini at this point. Season with pepper. Mix and turn off the heat. 

Cook a package of cheese tortellini. 

As it is cooking, sprinkle a salad bowl with lemon zest. 

In a separate plate, mix together leaves of a basil bunch with 0.5 cup shredded gruyere cheese.

Now you're ready for the mixing.

Add a Tbsp butter on top of the zest, then pour the hot tortellini and mix well.

Add the zucchini tomato mixture, the cheese and basil mixture, 1 Tbsp olive oil, pepper and juice of half a lemon.

Mix well and enjoy warm or cold.


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