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Thursday 14 July 2011

Made Up Vegetarian Moroccan Stew

I love making up Moroccan stews, you'd think I am Moroccan (see previous attempt at Quincous). Given tonight's guests, it had to be vegetarian.

The fridge found treasures included mini red, yellow and purple potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, jalapeno peppers and two bizarre looking squashes I found on Fraser street.

And as if jalapeno peppers are not enough, I added to the mix half a tsp of original Tunisian imported Harissa.

One of the best $1.75 investments in food I ever made, this is a tube packed with naturally made Harissa of red hot pepper, garlic, coriander, caraway and salt. It will keep on giving for 3 years from the time you open it. 

Now the options of what to serve the Moroccan stew with are endless at somerville kitchen. 

One guest was given the task of choosing between regular quinoa, fancy multi coloured quinoa, couscous or red wild rice. Another guest was given the task of guessing what the first guest will choose, and won!

Cooking in its own vegetables' juices, the stew turned out delicious. The two squashes had completely different tastes and textures. Half a can of chickpeas was thrown in for added fun.

Given the rain, the beautiful dinner was thoroughly enjoyed with jardin salad in the confines of the corner room.

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