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Sunday 9 June 2013

A Block Party

My neighbourhood used to have a block party every year. The streets will be closed, neighbours share their food and all have a nice community time.

But, The City of Vancouver does not allow us to close the streets anymore. So we closed an alley instead and had our block party anyway.

With every ethnicity and non-traditional families in the neighbourhood, you could imagine the quality and variety of foods.

Too many food options to name, but take a look at just a part of the spread.

Humans, children, dogs all mingled together. 

But we missed the cats even though I am sure some of the roaming neighbourhood's cats were observing from afar.

Catses were glad I made dogie jealous with my plate.

And as if there was a lack of food, dessert showed up - big cake, blueberry pie, rhubarb crumble, muffins, cookies, brownies, meringue pie - those are the few I remembered.

And another plate made more dogies jealous. 

City of Vancouver approved or not, I am looking for more block parties to come.


Zesty Bite said...

I've never been to a block party but they always look so lovely. This looks like a great party :)

Anonymous said...

The city of Vancouver allows block parties. Call 3-1-1. You need to complete am application and pick up street closure barricades for safety reasons. The process was very easy!